For Professionals

Baby Bare Professional Training  

Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to confidently integrate Bottom-Up Child Development strategies into your current practice.

Stephanie Johnson, creator of Baby Bare, is known for her ability to make current research accessible and engaging. Her training is packed with effective, simple strategies and the science that supports them.



Professionals we work with

We have a customized training plan for three specific audiences. This training is designed to supplement your current practice. (CE credits may be available)

Pediatric Professionals

Chiropractors, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapists & Doctors that work with pediatric clients

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Educators & Caregivers

Early childhood Educators, Daycare Directors & Providers, Parent Educators, Foster Care Staff, Nannies & Providers

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Mental Health Professionals

Therapists, Social Workers that work with pediatric clients                                                                  .

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Training designed for

Pediatric Professionals

Chiropractors, Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapists & Doctors that work with pediatric clients

Training designed for

Educators & Caregivers

Early Childhood Educators, Daycare Directors & Providers, Parent Educators, Foster Care Staff, Nannies & Other Care Providers

Developmental Movement in the Classroom

Join the waitlist and we'll email you once registration opens

Training designed for

Mental Health Professionals

Therapists, Social Workers, and other Mental Health Professionals that work with pediatric clients 

Developmental Movement for Therapists:     A 3-Part Training Series

Join the waitlist and we'll email you once registration opens

The Bottom-Up Approach to Growing Strong Brains and Bodies

 In the Bottom-up Approach to Child Development, the wisdom of the developing body is celebrated. Professionals gain simple, yet profound tools to use in a variety of settings that have the potential to make a significant positive influence in the lives of children.  

If you want to deepen your understanding of child development through this lens, please join us for this valuable professional development experience available to anyone working with children.



 If you want to deepen your understanding of the link between early movement and symptoms of attention, regulation, and learning challenges, this training is for you.

The material is designed to be easily integrated into a variety of practices, whether you're a:

  • Pediatrician
  • Chiropractor
  • Occupational therapist
  • Physical therapist
  • Early childhood educator
  • Parent
  • Or other professional who works with children

What will you learn?

  • The infant movement sequence and its role in nervous system development
  • How to support children's cognitive, emotional, and physical development through developmental movement
  • How to identify developmental movement patterns and their connection to cognitive and social development
  • Tools to support children who struggle with attention, regulation, and learning challenges in an engaging, positive, and accessible way

Why choose Baby Bare Professional Training?

  • Gain the knowledge and skills you need to make a real difference in the lives of children
  • Learn from Stephanie Johnson, an internationally renowned leader in Bottom-Up Child Development
  • The scientific community is catching up and acknowledging that body based approaches are crucial to our optimal wellbeing. Therefore, families are looking for professionals who are trained in movement modalities to support their children. 

Interested in incorporating developmental movement strategies to your current professional  practice?

While the traditional milestone charts can be helpful, the role of movement in regard to nervous system development is much more complex than the milestone model. Your families rely on you, it's time to learn more! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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