For Families

Unlock your baby's potential

There is a beautiful, organic sequence of essential movements embedded in your baby’s nervous system that is designed to bring about healthy brain development, emotional well being and physical coordination. Our modern lives are keeping babies from going through this sequence, often contributing to puzzling symptoms later on. Let's get out of the way and set the stage for a life of learning and well being! 

Learn more about our approach


Ready to get started?  Check out how we can support you and your baby today:

Baby Bare Book
Baby Bare Parents Course @ Home (virtual)

Help your child better in their body

By revisiting and integrating early movement patterns at any stage of life, our nervous systems can be reorganized to work more efficiently.  When this happens, kids (and adults) feel more ease, joy and safely in their bodies for all they do:  sports, music lessons, eating, sitting in school, making friends, self-regulating and focusing on tasks.  


Ready to get started?  Check out how we can support you and your kid(s) today:

Healing Movement for Kids Cohort @ Home (virtual)


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