Attention Pediatric Chiropractors!
Ever wish you felt more confident when parents ask about movement development?
Join us Live this Fall on Oct 4, 2024Parents look to you as a trusted expert and value your knowledge and skillset. You have trained and learned so many valuable things to share wth your patients yet you may come up short when it comes to guiding them in their infants movement development. These are a few questions parents need your skilled, expert opinion about:
- Why is my baby scooting instead of crawling? And how can I help?
- Is this "normal?"
- What if she only rolls to one side?
- How can I help soothe my baby?
- Why doesn't my baby like tummy time? How can a help her?
- How much time is ok in the jolly jumper?
- We had a hard delivery, what can I do at home to help soothe the effects of that experience?
Invest in your growth!
Your patients admire your passion and dedication to your practice, investing in regular professional development ensures you continue providing the best care possible.
(7 CEs approved for MN Doctors of Chiropractic)
Invest now!It's more than just movement.
It's nervous system development.
In this seminar you will, of course, get super comfortable answering questions about the stages of development and the Infant Movement Sequence. You will also explore many other topics that are highlighted in the Bottom-up Approach to Growing Strong Brains and Bodies including:
- Sensory proportion
- Emotional Regulation
- Effects of screens on the developing nervous system
- How movement effects a baby's future attention, focus and school readiness
- Navigating parent's questions regarding sleep training from a neurological perspective
"Our higher cognitive processes are grounded in bodily experience, such that the sensory and motor neural circuits do not just feed into cognition, they are cognition."
Arthur Glenberg

Angela Elliot DC, CACCP
Pediatric and Family Chiropractor
"Since taking this training, I talk to the parents in my office on a daily basis about Developmental Movement and it has helped improve patient outcomes as well as position me to be the expert in my area. The information I have learned in this class alongside chiropractic adjustments has helped babies that were butt-scooting to crawl on all fours, help several of my patients with anxiety and ADD/ADHD feel better in their bodies, experience more calm and increase their ability to concentrate and focus on assigned tasks. The information you will learn in this class helps support the strong development of the nervous system and goes extremely well with a vitalistic chiropractic approach."

Dr. Tye Moe
Whole Family Chiropractic
"As a "chiropractor, I felt great at checking a child's spine and impacting the health of their nervous system. However, what I never realized is how vitally important developmental movement patterns (rolling, sitting, crawling, etc) are for the foundation of a child's brain. Also, I never had a confident sense of what INNATE DEVELOPMENT looks like. Stephanie's class gave me a deep understanding and appreciation for what normal development looks like, based on principles of the nervous system. This class is highly recommended for chiropractors who work with kiddos and want to build their clinical certainty and ability to communicate "why" we recommend what we do with parents."

Dr Keith Prussing
Crescent Wind
"Baby Bare, (the system taught in Developmental Movement for Chiropractors) is an approach to child development that emphasizes the importance of early movement in optimal development. Stephanie is an entertaining and thoughtful teacher, and her well-paced seminar will keep you engaged but not overwhelmed.This seminar will enhance your understanding of the neurological mechanisms of the vital developmental process, how to assess normal and abnormal, and what to do about it. You will come away with numerous clinical pearls that will be immediately applicable in your office on Monday morning."